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Special considerations regarding Oracle setup for large objects

Dennis Behm (3821415) | asked Jan 23 '15, 3:23 a.m.
Do we need to consider any special settings during the Oracle setup for large objects?

Oracle has some special parameters for tables with large objects like S ECUREFILE and BASICFILE . I suspect that all this is handled by the repo-tools setup, but would like you comments on that.

Thanks, Dennis

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Grazielle Codogno (15316) | answered Oct 19 '15, 9:48 a.m.
 Hi Dennis, 

No isn't necessary to review any special parameters for tables in Oracle using the CLM product.
All requirements for the databases will be handled by application. 
Every configuration you need to setup or care about it's handled by the installation page manual, this one is to Oracle Databases  :

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