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How to best plan for Modifying Requirements in RRC Across Multiple Releases

Matt UK (611) | asked Jan 22 '15, 2:07 p.m.
 What is best practice for editing/modifying existing requirements if a requirement is being referenced in multiple releases?

I am debating on Making the 'release #' a custom attribute and filtering on that or creating the modified requirement as a new requirement and linking the 2 requirements (Old/New) together and associating them to different releases. Ultimately the goal is to be able to run reports on all 'in scope' requirements on a given release  (ie. 2 or 3)-- if i just change the requirement it will have a different meaning for a Release 2 report or a Release 3 Report.

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Mar 29 '15, 11:02 a.m.
Your best approach is to use DNG-6.0, where versioning and configuration management is supported.   You can then have a separate configuration for Release-1 and Release-2, and then have different versions of that requirement selected in those two configurations.

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