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How do you change the Artifact Type property value using the API?

Andrew Lloyd (5346) | asked Jan 16 '15, 12:48 a.m.
Hi everyone,

I am trying to change the artifact type using the API, my code is below.

I am unable to follow the example procedure shown in the wiki ( because the getAttributes function does not include the ARTIFACT_TYPE in '' and therefore I cannot just change the attribute as per the example.

When I execute my code, it runs without breaking but does not change the ARTIFACT_TYPE value in the artifact so I am suspicious of the setAttributes function.

Is it possible to do this using setAttributes function, have I made a mistake in my code or is there another way of executing this task?

Thanks in advance,


function changeArtifactType()
    //Get the Artifact Type attribute
    RM.Data.getAttributes(selectedArtifact, [RM.Data.Attributes.ARTIFACT_TYPE], function(attrResult)
        if (attrResult.code != RM.OperationResult.OPERATION_OK)
            alert('getAttributes failed in the changeArtifactType function');

    artifactTypeAttribute =[0];
    // Store any required attribute changes here
    var toSave = [];
    //Change the Artifact Type attribute value
    artifactTypeAttribute.values[RM.Data.Attributes.ARTIFACT_TYPE].name = 'Requirement';
    // Perform a bulk save changed attributes
    RM.Data.setAttributes(toSave, function(result)
        if(result.code !== RM.OperationResult.OPERATION_OK)
            alert('Error in the change artifact type function)');

One answer

permanent link
Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Feb 08 '15, 7:47 p.m.
The artifact type is "read-only" when using the client extension API. The document will be updated to state this clearly.

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