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RQM Server Authentication Failed error when trying to import

Bogdan Adamiak (28123) | asked May 20 '09, 3:52 p.m.
I am getting the following error when trying to import the sample test data using the install_samples.bat script:

E:\Program Files\IBM\RQM\samples\classics>install_samples.bat /S https://xxxxxx:9443/ /u xxxxx@xxxxxx /p *******
Importing file AddNewCustomer_Req.xml to location https://xxxxxx:9443/jazz/secure/service/
RQM Server Authentication Failed.
X-com-ibm-team-repository-web-auth-msg: authfailedImporting file AddNewProducts_Req.xml to location

I also get the same error when using the import.bat tool on its own.
(We're using LDAP authentication and I verified that I can login with the same userid/passw directly to RQM Web so they are correct).

RQM server version reported by menu option Help->About Rational Quality Manager is:
Rational Quality Manager Version 2.0.0 Standard Edition
Internal Version

but the Admin->Jazz Server Administration properties page reports the version as:
Server Version 2.0 M2 (I20090316-0438)

Not sure which one is the "right one".

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Helen Lozoraitis (60624) | answered May 20 '09, 5:03 p.m.
There is a defect in the AQXUrlTool.exe in versions 1.0 and 1.0.1 where it will ignore the password beyond the length of the corresponding username (so if the username length is 5 then it will pick up only first 5 character of the password). The correct version should have been included in the 2.0 beta, but it does sound like the problem you are seeing. Is there any chance that you are running an older version of AQXUrlTool.exe? If so then you will need to get the newer AQXUrlTool.exe that is included with RQM

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