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Moving RQM v5.0 project from development server to Enterprise Server

Rajesh Avanthi (10815143173) | asked Dec 17 '14, 11:36 a.m.
Currently we are using RQM v5.0 and are planning to move our RQM Project from  development server to enterprise
server. Is there any preferred method to achieve this task??
I did go through the RQMCopy utility option and see several drawbacks which might occur in handling all the project information.

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Ara Masrof (3.2k15) | answered Dec 17 '14, 11:52 a.m.
Currently there is no built in functionality that will allows a user to move a Project Area across  servers; there are two potential options,, but each have their limitations.

1) The RQM copy utility 
The Utility was never meant to be used as a 'Project Copy', but rather as a means to re-use specific test assets. It is however capable of performing a Deep Copy; this is not a full copy Project Area, but the majority of the Project Area assets are copied
I would fully review the Known Limitations sections of the Wiki ( so that you have a full understanding on what and what does not get copied

2) Server Rename
The Server Rename functionality allows you to copy the entire CLM set up from an existing environment to a new one
A couple of things to consider:
a) You cannot pick and choose which Project Areas to copy; everything is copied by default
b) You cannot perform the rename to an "existing server" (meaning you cant merge data from Server A to Server B; Server B will be a copy of server A)

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