Why are comments made to an artifact, different from comments made to an open artifact in a module?
Why are comments made to an artifact, different from comments made to an open artifact in a module? This creates inconsistency. Was this part of the design or a bug?
Scenario: open an artifact and make comment to it. Set this artifact to be a part of a module. Add "comments" to the column dispay in a module view. The comments made at an individual artifact will not show up. This is annoying. There is no column display of comments in a list of artifacts. There is no efficient way to view all comments made to a list of artifacts.
When you have a module and make comments to the artifacts in the module view, they will show up in the "comments" module column display. When you open up the artifact, the comment will also show up as a comment to the artifact. Is it a bug that comments cannot be viewed in a module view if created in the artifact? If not then what was the logic behind the design?
Accepted answer
Show Artifact Comments Indicator in a Separate Grid Column (Not Module) (79695)
Hope it helps,