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Customizing Artifact Format/Modeling Tools

Brian Vander Mey (5041520) | asked Jun 10 '13, 5:22 p.m.
edited Jun 10 '13, 5:28 p.m.


I work for Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) in the Business Analysis Center of Excellence (BACoE), and we're piloting the Rational Software for our enterprise-wide BA Department.

So far things are going fairly well with the application as a whole, but there is one major blocker we're trying to workaround.

Creating Business Models (Data Flow Diagrams, Event Diagrams, Context Diagrams) is a very big part of what we do.  So far, my experence with the diagramming tools on Rational has not been good.  The capabilities are very limited.

  1. Are there any plans to include a more robust diagramming engine? Something along the lines of Lucidchart or Visio?  Top priorities would be to be able to do custom stencils and curved lines, in a sandbox-style expandable document (not limiting where things can be placed)
  2. Is it possible to customize Artifact Formats at all?
  3. Is there any way to include directionality in the Associations, instead of just a solid line?  I think we will otherwise be able to use the use case diagrams, but the UC tool is still missing a couple things to fully replace our offline tools. 

For now we'll be uploading JPEGs, but it is a very unfortunate limitation, as we won't be able to trace into the granular elements of the models in the JPEG.

Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jun 11 '13, 3:19 a.m.
Hi Brian,

if you look for full blown modeling, you might want to look into Design Manager: and Rational Software Architect. I am not a Design Manager Specialist, so I can't go into a lot more details, maybe others can.
Brian Vander Mey selected this answer as the correct answer

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