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Linked Test Cases not Appearing as Linked Test Cases in Requirements Collection

Stuart Jewell (16915) | asked Dec 04 '14, 5:05 p.m.
Why are test cases that are linked to a requirement (by going to the test case and entering requirement link/requirement artifact number) not appearing in the "Linked Test Cases" column of the "Requirements Collection".  Do links only appear here if you create a test case from the "Requirements Collection" view only?  If the requirement exhibits "Validated by... (test case ID / Name)", isn't this still valid to appear in "Linked Test Cases" column?

Accepted answer

permanent link
Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Dec 04 '14, 10:51 p.m.
A test plan validates a requirement collection, while a test case validates a requirement. When you consider a test plan as a "collection" of test cases (of course it is more than that), you should get the idea easily.
Stuart Jewell selected this answer as the correct answer

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