How to override deliver preconditions from scm cli?

Accepted answer


This would be an enhancement request. The SCM command line is supposed to be the SCM command line and not configure the operational behavior.
However, you can configure the operational behavior in the UI and use another user with a specific role, where the role overrides the operational behavior configuration in the process configuration. That way the operational behavior would not apply to that (automation) user and there would be no problem.

The cli is functionally deficient when compared to the gui. Correcting a functional deficiency is not an RFE, it's a bug.


As you please, however it is a SCM Command Line and not a Project Administration Commandline. SCM refers to software configuration management.

I'm not seeking to configure operational behaviors, merely to allow for overriding delivery preconditions, as one can do from the Team Advisor view in the GUI.