RTC/jenkins integration troubles since upgrading to jenkins 1.590 (SSL V3 disabled)
Over the weekend, I upgraded our jenkins server to jenkins 1.590 and today realized that our RTC -> jenkins build engine was in the warning state. A connection test reveals the following:
Connection test requested.
Connecting to: https://host...ibm.com:8443
Exception: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Remote host closed connection during handshake Test connection FAILED!
I know this version of jenkins includes "poodle" fix (new version of winstone jar): https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/SECURITY/Jenkins+Security+Advisory+2014-10-15
Is it possible the RTC jenkins server plugin is not expecting/able to deal with jenkins SSL connection that has SSL V3 disabled?
Assuming my speculation here is correct, is there a jazz or WAS setting we can give our Rational admins to allow it to work with out jenkins server that has SSL V3 disabled?
Donald Nong
Nov 24 '14, 5:44 p.m.What's the version of your RTC? Up-to-date versions of RTC all support TLS 1.2.
Michael Gray
Nov 25 '14, 9:54 a.m.Version: 4.0.6