what is difference between Rational ClearCase and Rational Synergy ?

One answer

You can read a detailed analysis on why Clearcase is better than Synergy here -
Comparative analysis:
Synergy - Much better process support. Task based. Easy to model your
integration process with prep projects. Powerful integrated PR /CR. Probably
cheaper particularly for a large number of licenses. Oriented at developing
towards identified releases, though some recent changes should make more
efficient to handle 'ongoing' developments that never really release such as
websites. Easy handling of branching. Can run multiple versions on one
machine. Usability has improved much over the last few years (and continues
to improve).
Clearcase - Magic filesystem interface liked by users but can be difficult
to explain in introductory courses (but note Synergy Active CM starts to
equal this). Only one version at a time on a machine. Changes kernal for
filesystem patch. May be cheaper for few licences. I understand there is no
single multiplatform multisite PR /CR solution. Without UCM it is not much
more that a sophisticated version control tool with a lot of options on how
you identify versions - but you have to do quite a lot of thinking on how to
get branching to work for you. I have not used UCM
Source - http://dbaspot.com/configuration-management/193768-comparative-merits-synergy-clearcase.html
Comparative analysis:
Synergy - Much better process support. Task based. Easy to model your
integration process with prep projects. Powerful integrated PR /CR. Probably
cheaper particularly for a large number of licenses. Oriented at developing
towards identified releases, though some recent changes should make more
efficient to handle 'ongoing' developments that never really release such as
websites. Easy handling of branching. Can run multiple versions on one
machine. Usability has improved much over the last few years (and continues
to improve).
Clearcase - Magic filesystem interface liked by users but can be difficult
to explain in introductory courses (but note Synergy Active CM starts to
equal this). Only one version at a time on a machine. Changes kernal for
filesystem patch. May be cheaper for few licences. I understand there is no
single multiplatform multisite PR /CR solution. Without UCM it is not much
more that a sophisticated version control tool with a lot of options on how
you identify versions - but you have to do quite a lot of thinking on how to
get branching to work for you. I have not used UCM
Source - http://dbaspot.com/configuration-management/193768-comparative-merits-synergy-clearcase.html