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What is build map error in RTC

gokul sk (72610) | asked Nov 19 '14, 11:11 p.m.
 When we running promotion from INT to PROD, we got below build map error:

Item Build Map Error 
WI134 Build map (B4BR327B.cbl) The promotion failed because the build map of B4BR327B.cbl would not have contained the correct state for B4T00341 in the Production Stream stream if promoted. All of the inputs that were used to build B4BR327B.cbl in the Integration Stream stream must already exist in the Production Stream stream in the state that was used, or must be promoted to this state as part of this promotion.

Please suggest on this

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Nov 21 '14, 5:54 a.m.
I am by no means a developer for these kinds of systems, but the error message seems to clearly indicate that you can not promote B4BR327B.cbl, because it depends on someting in B4T00341 (whatever that is).

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