What are the restrictions when creating a time line in RTC 3.0
If I look at the default schedule for OpenUP it is something like this:
Main Development
Release 1.0
I know that I can create a Release 2.0 with the same categories underneath.
If I do create a Release 2.0:
Do I need to specify new identifiers even if I am using the same names?
If I have to specify new identifiers can I use the same names?
Will the “planned for” drop down in the work item contain both Release 1.0 and 2.0
If I can’t use the same names using scenario defined above, is there any scenario I could use (i.e. blow away old time line and create new one)?
What if any ramifications would there be if I did?
Like I said I am trying to come up with a good scenario for O&M development. Other than answers to the above questions if anybody has any suggestions I am more than willing to listen.
Accepted answer
Release 1
M1 [R1]
M2 [R1]
M3 [R1]
M4 [R1]
Release 2
M1 [R2]
M2 [R2]
M3 [R2]
M4 [R2]
Iterations that should be selectable in the planned for, require to select the "A release is planned for...." check box.
In addition, you should make sure the times in the leaf iterations don't overlap.
One other answer
The content in the Planned-For drop down had some limitations in early RTC releases, but in 5.0.1, you should be able to select any of the iterations in the Planned-For drop down.