Auto Update few attributes based on time- RTC
I am just wondering if there is any we can auto update few attributes/fields in RTC work item.
Like Age or Project Experience- I can think of two such attributes here.
If it is one record, I don't mind updating that single one, But when you have multiple users in team, It would be difficult to update each and every one.
Is there any way in RTC where it automatically reads these attributes, calculates and update the work item.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
One answer
Dependent on the use case you can create automation for RTC using
The Plain Java Client Libraries (Java client applications that do something)
The SDK (server and Eclipse client extensions)
For 1 and 2 start here and follow the linked posts. On the blog are various posts explaining the API e.g. how to set attributes using the API and follow up actions that happen after the save.
The Question is not detailed enough to understand where the data is supposed to come from to think about automation.
Another way - dependent on the use case would be Java Script (also see Lab 5)