Restrict Access to teams not working
I had team members create queries in order to see defect data, they not only can see defect data for tools in which they are not assigned to that team area but they can also modify the defects which is NOT what we want.
Under administrator in categories for every product/team area restrict category item visibillity and restrict work item team access is checked
I also tried access control, members in the team hierarchy and access in the users list and listed the two members.
Any of you have an idea of what could be wrong?
Accepted answer
See: and for more details.
Please note, if the user has JazzAdmin Role, all work items will be visible.
Please note, that every single user also has the everyone role and permissions accumulate across roles. The permission to change work items would have to be removed from everyone as well. See for how that works.
The visibility of a category has a different purpose, which is for example explained in the Eclipse client. If the check mark is removed, only members of the team associated to the category can see the category, so only these should be able to select it in filed against.
HI Ralph,
Thanks for your response. I read the articles above but still am a little confused. The two users do not have JazzAdmin but one of them is seeing defects of a team area she does not belong to. I will investigate that.I also understand and was able to see the everyone(default) and that is set for others to be able to edit defects. I am beginning to lean towards a new project altogether to seperate from our main project solely for the vendors.
I think we figured it out further, we stripped access from the everyone role and it seems to be working now! Thanks.
Separate project areas, with access control, are the easiest and most secure way of separating projects and manage access.
For category based read access, it is important to note, that categories that are not checked will be visible to everyone.
Nice to hear. Please accept the answer as correct.