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Archived users in search results

Stefan Hoffmann (14421820) | asked Oct 24 '14, 9:13 a.m.

We have a user which has changed his userid multiple times, so now he has two accounts with his name which are archived and one active account.

Now when I search for the name of the user in the work item web interface (to set "owned by") I get all three users as result (including the archived), and I can not distinguish between them, which is really annoying.

My question is: How can I get rid of the archived user accounts in the search dialog?

We are in a big company with a huge naming directory and policies, and I can not simply rename the user for the archived accounts.

Accepted answer

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Piotr Aniola (3.7k11738) | answered Oct 27 '14, 4:48 a.m.

this is a defect:
Fixed in 5.0
Stefan Hoffmann selected this answer as the correct answer

Stefan Hoffmann commented Oct 27 '14, 5:01 a.m.

Thanks, thats exactly my described problem. We planning to use 5.0.1 soon, so this is ok for us.

Georg Kellner commented Oct 27 '14, 8:14 a.m.

If we are searching for users in the /jts/admin it also shows archived and active accounts.
Is this expected behavior or is this also affected by this defect?

2 other answers

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Meena B.R. (5737) | answered Oct 24 '14, 1:12 p.m.
 Hi Stefan,

As far as my knowledge goes, ideally the archived users will not be displayed in the "Owned by" option.

Please check once if the user account is unarchived by any one else. Check if the user account is listed in the Archived user's list or Active user's list.

Best option is to follow a re-naming convention if possible while archiving and prefix the user name with "archive" before archiving the user (which is ruled out from your end as i can see but worth giving it a try if permitted)



Stefan Hoffmann commented Oct 27 '14, 1:38 a.m.


I've checked the accounts, two of them are archived and are only listed in the "archived user" panel, one is active. If you hover over them in the web UI the state is displayed appropiate.
I also would suspect the archived user not to be displayed in the "Owned by" option, thats why I opened this forum entry.

Regards, Stefan

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Oct 27 '14, 4:29 a.m.
Just because a user is archived, this does not mean the user is no longer the owner of the work item.
The same for who created a work item. The user is still the creator, even if he was archived.

This is also why users don't get deleted. You would end up with dangling references if the user was deleted.

If you want to get rid of archived users in attributes like owner or custom contributor type attributes, run a query for the user you archived and set the values to unassigned, or remove the user from the list (in case of contributor/user list attributes).

Stefan Hoffmann commented Oct 27 '14, 4:42 a.m.

Hi Ralph,

Thats not the point, for existing data everything should be in place, even when a user gets archived.

But I create a new work item and enter the name of the user in the "owned by" dialog. I get three entries as result, and I have no chance to see which one is the current valid and which are the archived ones as they look all the same. Simply not usable.

Ralph Schoon commented Oct 27 '14, 5:05 a.m.

I agree and Piotr points to a defect.

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