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What is your experience with using RTC?

laurent BOCA (312) | asked Oct 13 '14, 9:19 a.m.
edited Oct 14 '14, 3:25 a.m. by Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103)
Responsible for development, tooling for development of a large French industrial group, I 'm in a phase of analysis of the product development Rational Team Concert. This product was introduced by IBM Rational as a collaborative platform for agile development. We understand that Rational Team Concert, with all the partners may allow developers to work together , with integrated features such as tools : planning, the software configuration management, demand management, continuous integration, test management, construction management, dashboards, monitoring project progress, reporting, ... But we want to know if you have used the product RTC:
the RTC version used,
ease of migration from ClearCase to RTC, ease of use of RTC, product performance, ROI, ease of deployment, ease of handling,

the other IBM-Rational products interfaced with RTC,
other products interfaced with RTCother products interfaced with RTC ease of integration with Microsoft Sharepoint RTC, ... But we want to know if you have studied the RTC product but have waived its acquisition the main reasons for this choice: difficulty Migration ClearCase to RTC, the difficulty of using RTC, underperformance of the product, the difficulty of assessing ROI, the difficulty of deployment, the difficulty of handling, the difficulty of integrating RTC with Microsoft Sharepoint ... Well thank you we answer these questions we pose points. sincerely Laurent

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Oct 13 '14, 2:12 p.m.
This sounds more like a "discussion topic" than a question.   I'd recommend using the linked-in RTC discussion forum for this:
laurent BOCA selected this answer as the correct answer

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