Live burndown reports?
Some of our users are asking for the capability of seeing changes to the
burndown chart immediately after updating their work items.
Is it possible to use the reports live data capability to create "live
burndown" charts instead of waiting for the next snapshot to be taken?
Mark Ingebretson
burndown chart immediately after updating their work items.
Is it possible to use the reports live data capability to create "live
burndown" charts instead of waiting for the next snapshot to be taken?
Mark Ingebretson
2 answers
We've recently added the ability for the Burndown chart to use historical data from the data warehouse (as it did before), supplemented with a single live data point (for the most recent point) so you don't have to force a snapshot before a scrum meeting (for example). I can't recall exactly when this functionality went in but it's in M3 and will be in beta2 and 2.0.
Amirsam Khataei
IBM RTC Support Engineer
Amirsam Khataei
IBM RTC Support Engineer