Changing the name of a Dashboard
How do you change the name of a Dashboard? My Team Dashboard has taken the name from the Team that was called T1 and is now called Team 1 Dev. The Dashboard name did not change. How do I therefore force the name change of the Dashboard?
Accepted answer
Ralph Schoon (63.3k●3●36●46)
| answered Oct 09 '14, 7:02 a.m.
You have to open the dashboard and click into the name, change it and save. If you have the permission to save the dashboard name is changed Sally. You can name the dashboard anyway you want.
Sally-Anne Prout selected this answer as the correct answer
Comments There is no mechanism to force the same name. The initial name is just taken from the team project for the related dashboards.
Sally-Anne Prout
commented Oct 09 '14, 9:22 a.m.
Thanks Ralph. I hadn't realised it was an open field to edit!
All Done. Thank you
Your answer
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