How to get all the build definitions under a project area?
Hi, I'm a new user for RTC Client API.
I want to retrieve all the buildresults under a specific project area.
(Like on Eclipse GUI, I can see all the buildresults which belong to a specific project area.)
The interface ITeamBuildClient has two related functions: getBuildDefinition and getBuildResultContributions.
The former needs builddefition name and the latter needs IBuildResultHandle.
I've read BuildJavaProgrammingExamples which querying buildresult with tags.
So now I still don't know how to get all the builddefinitons without any tags or ids.
Could anyone help for this problem?
Thank you very much!
Accepted answer
You have to query for the list
here is similar code for BuildEngines..
hint IBuildDefinitionQueryModel
ITeamRepository repo = (ITeamRepository) iprja.getOrigin();
// get the data interface
ITeamBuildClient buildClient = (ITeamBuildClient) repo.getClientLibrary(ITeamBuildClient.class);
IBuildEngineQueryModel queryModel = IBuildEngineQueryModel.ROOT;
// create a query for build engines
IItemQuery query = IItemQuery.FACTORY.newInstance(queryModel);
// objects of build engine type
IPredicate isBuildEngineType = queryModel._isTypeOf(IBuildEngine.ITEM_TYPE);
// allocate space for the parameter
IItemHandleInputArg[] itemHandleArgs = new IItemHandleInputArg[] { query.newItemHandleArg() };
// the query filter
IPredicate filter = ((BuildEngineQueryModel) queryModel).processArea()._in(itemHandleArgs);
// set the query filter using the combined predicates
// 1 parameter required
IItemQueryPage queryPage = buildClient.queryItems(query, new Object[] { iprja }, IQueryService.ITEM_QUERY_MAX_PAGE_SIZE, null);
// if there are buildengines defined
if (queryPage.getResultSize() != 0)
while (queryPage != null)
IFetchResult fetchResult = null;
if (allProperties == true)
fetchResult = repo.itemManager().fetchCompleteItemsPermissionAware(queryPage.getItemHandles(), IItemManager.DEFAULT, null);
here is similar code for BuildEngines..
hint IBuildDefinitionQueryModel
ITeamRepository repo = (ITeamRepository) iprja.getOrigin();
// get the data interface
ITeamBuildClient buildClient = (ITeamBuildClient) repo.getClientLibrary(ITeamBuildClient.class);
IBuildEngineQueryModel queryModel = IBuildEngineQueryModel.ROOT;
// create a query for build engines
IItemQuery query = IItemQuery.FACTORY.newInstance(queryModel);
// objects of build engine type
IPredicate isBuildEngineType = queryModel._isTypeOf(IBuildEngine.ITEM_TYPE);
// allocate space for the parameter
IItemHandleInputArg[] itemHandleArgs = new IItemHandleInputArg[] { query.newItemHandleArg() };
// the query filter
IPredicate filter = ((BuildEngineQueryModel) queryModel).processArea()._in(itemHandleArgs);
// set the query filter using the combined predicates
// 1 parameter required
IItemQueryPage queryPage = buildClient.queryItems(query, new Object[] { iprja }, IQueryService.ITEM_QUERY_MAX_PAGE_SIZE, null);
// if there are buildengines defined
if (queryPage.getResultSize() != 0)
while (queryPage != null)
IFetchResult fetchResult = null;
if (allProperties == true)
fetchResult = repo.itemManager().fetchCompleteItemsPermissionAware(queryPage.getItemHandles(), IItemManager.DEFAULT, null);