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How to create a RRC project from RequisitePro Baseline

anoop mc (74811199221) | asked Oct 05 '14, 6:59 a.m.

We have a new requirement from the project for creating a new RRC project from RequisitePro Baseline.

The team followed the below URL to create a Reqpro baseline. The option for baseline was chosen as Project.

the file which is sent is in the form of a .ZIP format. RRC version 4.0.6 (distributed topology) Do we need to have a Eclipse Client for performing this import.

Can someone guide with the necessary steps for performing this import operation.

3 answers

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anoop mc (74811199221) | answered Oct 05 '14, 7:57 a.m.
 Navigating to the rm web I could find the option for importing the reqpro projects.


Erica Tran commented Oct 06 '14, 8:13 a.m.

Here is the link to the info center with additional info on importing a RequisitePro baseline.

Migrating Rational RequisitePro projects to the RM application

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anoop mc (74811199221) | answered Oct 10 '14, 10:01 a.m.
 Dear Team,

when I initiated an import I could see this getting stuck after some successful import.


anoop mc commented Oct 10 '14, 10:01 a.m. | edited Oct 10 '14, 10:02 a.m.

 it gave an error message saying Server is taking too much time to respond.

Look like it is stuck .... dont know what to do from here

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anoop mc (74811199221) | answered Oct 11 '14, 9:37 a.m.
 The below is the error which I got during importing.


anoop mc commented Oct 11 '14, 9:40 a.m.

After this I waited for an hour and look like it entered to a hung state and have to cancel.

When checked in the Reqpro I could find the project created and may be not all the artifacts might have imported. 

I have read in an article that once imported we should not be reimporting the same project. So I left as it is .. Is there a way we can reimport or overite the existing project. 

Erica Tran commented Oct 13 '14, 10:25 a.m.

Hello Anoop,

I would recommend checking the rm.log file to see if it gives any additional information on the failure.  There is not way to re-import over an existing project.  You will need to archive the project created from the failed attempt, before importing again.  If you continue to see errors, I suggest creating a PMR to investigate the problem. 

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