RTC5 git integration in Windows : importError: bad magic number in 'rtcprocess':
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Yes I have python 3.4.X let me update that first. Apart from this to make that work in windows, I am using CYGWIN and for hooks I am using the .bat wrapper to make it run.
scm-manager from bitbucket i am using for the git hosting. Enterprise servers dont allowed us to change the existing HTTP servers in order to work with the gitweb or msysgit.
Wel the integration shoul be flexible in terms of usage.
What I am upto is the simple POC. we are building a cloud and I have assigned to provide POC with these tool sets creating a build pipeline.
Within 3 days I have achiveved GIT-JENKINS-MAVEN-JUNIT-SONAR-DEPLOYMENT(via Jenkins a simple).
The only thing here is I am not able to established GIT-RTC and for this I have to go through complex sysgit and gitweb integration.
now I ended up with the SCM-MANAGER and the hooks if that works then it will be fine.
Hi Praveen,
Hello Kiran,
Let me provide you the Details.
=========What I have
Software Installed.
RTC 5,
SCM Manager for GIT ,https://bitbucket.org/sdorra/scm-manager/wiki/Home
both are working fine individually means I am able to checkin the code in GIT with the Eclipse. and RTC as usual.
=====What I am trying to achieve
I am trying to achieve the GIT -RTC Integration that has capability to link the work items with the git commits.
=====What are my pain points.
1. Earlier as in the Quetion it was the Python version issue now this got resolved.
2. I got some index issue in the program written in the ValidatePush.py, as it was checking the index as 7 or less but in the pre-recieve it is passing only 6. so I made the change as checking from 7 to 6. before that I am continuously redirected to help contain in the below if condition.
if(argv == None or len(argv) < 6 ):
3. right now I am able to push the changes but there is no validation for the work items. Just now I realized that I made the below parameter as argv[6] that makes some changes in the exclude refs. So I just changed it to arg[7].
excludeRefs = argv[7]
Let me know if I am not doing it in right way. In point 2 I was just amazed that if the 7th parameter is optional then why the condition is checking 7 parameter as <7 condition. thats why I updated and it got worked.
I haven't tested the solution after I changed to excludeRefs = argv[7], so provide me some time to check with it.
praveen patidar
Sep 30 '14, 10:27 p.m.It may be complicated to provide the pyc version for all OS, or may be this is again dependent on the version of OS as well.