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Trying to add a Flow Target to repository through Java API

Bradley Mosher (133) | asked Sep 30 '14, 12:03 p.m.

I am a total newbie to the RTC SCM java api and I am having an issue determining what parameters need to be passed in for the addDeliverFlow function. When I decompile the IFlowTable class the addDeliverFlow funtion is listed as below. 
public abstract void addDeliverFlow(IFlowNodeHandle paramIFlowNodeHandle, UUID paramUUID, String paramString1, Collection paramCollection, String paramString2);

I have my code structured as follows:
newflowTable.addDeliverFlow(StreamUUID?, Repository UUID?, repositoryURI, null, What is supposed to go here? );

Can someone tell me what these parameters are supposed to be? Is there documentation out there that is better than decompiling the class files and guessing? 

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Tim Mok (6.6k38) | answered Sep 30 '14, 1:28 p.m.

If you go to the all downloads section of a release, you can get the Javadoc and see what is officially supported API as well as documentation for the supported calls.

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