How do you specify work item type when creating a draft using REST API?
I am trying to specify that a "task" workitem type be created when I create a draft using the CURL command below, but the resulting draft is type "defect". The RTC project is Jazz Foundation in the example below, but I have found that the dc:type that I specify is ignored on more than just this project.
curl.exe -k -H "Content-Type: application/x-oslc-cm-change-request+json" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST -d @newtask.json
This is the content of newtask.json:
"dc:title": "This is Lori's task draft",
"rtc_cm:teamArea":{"rdf:resource": "https:\/\/\/jazz\/oslc\/teamareas\/_I3iq8BTPEd6zz6xdSaYlGQ"},
"rtc_cm:filedAgainst":{"rdf:resource": "https:\/\/\/jazz\/resource\/itemOid\/\/_v2l5gBTPEd6zz6xdSaYlGQ"},
The resulting draft is here, but it is type Defect rather than Task: