NullPointerException should never happen. The description is too simple for anyone to say anything about it. Please contact Support and provide detailed information for further investigation.
Generally, this sort of error tends to be logged in the eclipse log <workspace>/.metadata/.log. The log should include the stack trace of the error, in addition to the (rather generic) error message. Could you post it here?
I agree that NPEs should never happen, but having a stack trace we might be able to tell if it's a known issue
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Donald Nong
Sep 19 '14, 12:32 a.m.NullPointerException should never happen. The description is too simple for anyone to say anything about it. Please contact Support and provide detailed information for further investigation.
1 vote
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Sep 19 '14, 2:36 a.m.You can try a different workspace. Otherwise I agree with Donald.
Piotr Aniola
Sep 19 '14, 10:59 a.m.Generally, this sort of error tends to be logged in the eclipse log <workspace>/.metadata/.log. The log should include the stack trace of the error, in addition to the (rather generic) error message. Could you post it here?
I agree that NPEs should never happen, but having a stack trace we might be able to tell if it's a known issue
Arun K Sriramaiah
Sep 27 '14, 8:59 a.m.Is this issue is same for all the users or only one user.
Try increasing the memory of RTC eclipse client and also try checking with using new eclipse worksapce ?
Note: if still exists, reporduce the issue and share the .log file information.