Error while populating RTC CCM Database
Accepted answer
The error is saying , you have another server is connected to the CCMDB. Please stop the server , then try populate again.
Thanks a lot.
The error is saying , you have another server is connected to the CCMDB. Please stop the server , then try populate again.
Thanks a lot.
This is a test machine and we don't have any other server connecting to the CCMDB database.
All we have is a machine with RAM, DB2 and WAS installed. Using the previous RAM Setup wizard I could create the RAMDB,JTSDB and CCMDB In the current step when tried to populate it throw the error.
Can you please tell us which server to be stopped.
You could restart db2 service , then go to ram setup again to see if you can populate.
Thanks .
1 vote
Thanks this worked and I could proceed to the next steps.
It says your database is configured correctly.