How to create a global test plan template in RQM
Accepted answer
I can find "Manage Artifact Templates" in a project area's admin function, but when I use admin account and click Admin icon, I cannot see "Manage Artifact Templates". I want to build a template for all existed project areas, is it possible?
I don't think there is any global test plan template which could be created and applied to the existing project areas. One way I can think about is to create a test plan template and then export the project area template which should contain the test plan template, then when creating a new project area from that project template, it will have the test plan template by default, but that would apply to new project areas not the existing ones.
Paul, am I right that RQM does not have global way to create a testplan template for all existing project areas?
Correct, there is no global test plan template for all existing projects. Don's suggestion on reusing a project area template is your only option.
1 vote
Thanks Paul for the confirmation.
Thanks for your reply, I create a process template for new created project areas now.