How to retrieve the changesets associated to a workitem via Java API
Accepted answer
see below an example :
private List<IChangeSet> getChangeSets(IWorkItem wi)
throws TeamRepositoryException {
IRepositoryItemService repositoryItemService = getService(IRepositoryItemService.class);
ILinkService linkService = getService(ILinkService.class);
ILinkServiceLibrary linkLibrary = (ILinkServiceLibrary) linkService
IItemReference workItemRef = IReferenceFactory.INSTANCE
ILinkQueryPage linkPage = linkLibrary.findLinks(
WorkItemLinkTypes.CHANGE_SET, workItemRef);
List<IChangeSet> changeSets = new ArrayList<IChangeSet>();
for (ILink link : linkPage.getAllLinksFromHereOn()) {
// Change set links should be item references
IChangeSetHandle changeSetHandle = (IChangeSetHandle) link
IChangeSet changeSet = (IChangeSet) repositoryItemService
.fetchItem(changeSetHandle, IRepositoryItemService.COMPLETE);
return changeSets;
Olivier, thanks for providing me with this example: it worked, with some minor corrections.
In this example there is getService method:
IRepositoryItemService repositoryItemService = getService(IRepositoryItemService.class);
IRepositoryItemService repositoryItemService = getService(IRepositoryItemService.class);
ILinkService linkService = getService(ILinkService.class);
Where does this come from/what are the contents of this method?
That is server side API. The extension extends AbstractService which provides getService().
See for server and Client API. See to get started.
3 other answers
I think it should work :
for (Object o : changeSet.changes()) {
IChange change = (IChange) o;
IVersionableHandle handle = change.item();
IVersionable afterVersionable = workspaceManager.versionableManager().fetchCompleteState(handle, new SysoutProgressMonitor());
I think it should work :
for (Object o : changeSet.changes()) {
IChange change = (IChange) o;
IVersionableHandle handle = change.item();
IVersionable afterVersionable = workspaceManager.versionableManager().fetchCompleteState(handle, new SysoutProgressMonitor());
Hi Olivier,
In your above answer to fetch change set associated to work item, you have used server API.
Could you please tell me about java client API which does similar thing.
I figured out that instead of IRepositoryItemService we can use IItemManager at client side.
instead of ILinkServiceLibrary we can use ILinkManager at client side.
Other are common API.
IChangeSet changeSet = (IChangeSet) repositoryItemService
.fetchItem(changeSetHandle, IRepositoryItemService.COMPLETE);
I replaced it with
IChangeSet changeSet = (IChangeSet) itemManager.fetchCompleteItem(changeSetHandle,itemManager.DEFAULT, monitor);
but at this line it is throwing null pointer exception
Could you please tell me about client API which will does similar thing.
Kevin Eifinger
Sep 03 '14, 3:23 a.m.1 vote