RTC Extension Workshop Help - Add RTC source code to Java search
I am currently trying to work through the setup of the extension workshop 6.0.3.
I have had no errors until the point I've just reached, page 31, step 23.
After adding a New Target Definition and switching to Plug-in Development perspective, I am directed to the "Plug-ins" view in the left sidebar of the eclipse client. Upon clicking the plug-ins tab in the left sidebar, the lab shows numerous entries of plug-ins where my environment shows none. I've tried re-adding the target definition to a more specific folder which did not work. I assume it is some error in adding the target definition, however I'm not sure what it could be. Has anyone seen this before? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Jul 09 '18, 10:04 a.m.I have never seen anything like that. Are you sure you have the correct view ? Are you sure you have correctly created the target definition and set it to active?