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Is there an option to get a report of reporting activities?

Sunil Kumar R (1.1k13344) | asked Aug 18 '14, 8:20 a.m.
CLM admin view gives an option to get a view, cancel Running Reports for ccm, qm etc.

But this is live and does not retain historical entries.
Is there an option to look for entries from past? eg; Filter by date to know who ran reports from which project area?

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Clara Forero (6212) | answered Aug 19 '14, 9:56 a.m.
Hi Sunil,

No, there is no historical entries being stored.  Why are you looking for this information?  If you want to check who has been running long reports, there is a property that can be used to log those occurrences.  If you want to verify that only authorized users are running reports, I believe that can be tuned by setting up permissions.  Depending on the reason why you need the report, there might be something else already implemented that can help you.

Sunil Kumar R selected this answer as the correct answer

Sunil Kumar R commented Aug 22 '14, 3:51 a.m. | edited Aug 22 '14, 3:52 a.m.

Clara, thanks a lot for the inputs. Couple of clarifications:-

who has been running long reports, there is a property that can be used to log those occurrences:
 >> Can you let me know the option?

verify that only authorized users are running reports, I believe that can be tuned by setting up permissions
  >> Permissions are applicable only to shared reports, but users can still create their        own reports and run them - I verified it!

Thanks in advance,

Clara Forero commented Aug 22 '14, 4:28 p.m.

Hi Sunil,

The advanced property that will log a warning when a query used by a report has returned more than a specified number of records is "Large Record Count" under the "Reports" section.


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