Report Question: How to get contributor and timestamp at a state change?

I'm working in RTC 3.0 with BIRT, and I'm trying to build a report that shows
only the changes that are state changes, the time stamp of that state change and the contributor that performed the state change.
I thought this might help:
But I'm still stuck.
Example of output expected:
WI_ID,Timestamp,State_Name,Contributor Name
1234 1, 2008 2:03 PM(the time the state was changed) New(the state it was changed to) John Jones(the user name that made the change).
Thank you
One answer

Hi Michael, you need to use the WORKITEM_SNAPSHOT.WORKITEM_CHNGS table. This table stores the history of changes for all work items. You can use a BIRT data set filter to only show the rows where STATE_NAME is not the equal to PREV_STATE_NAME.
You will not be able to show who modified the sate. The modifier is stored in the data warehouse but it is not exposed to BIRT. You can also use RRDI for accessing all the information you requested.
You will not be able to show who modified the sate. The modifier is stored in the data warehouse but it is not exposed to BIRT. You can also use RRDI for accessing all the information you requested.