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need compatible versions for RTC and WMB

Narasimha Devarapalli (1211010) | asked Aug 14 '14, 2:51 a.m.
 Hi Team,

I'm unable to generate BAR files from RTC workspace for the source files which were imported from WMB tool kit workspace. I found it is an issue of compatibility between RTC and WMB.

Please tell me the compatible versions between them.

2 answers

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Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103) | answered Aug 14 '14, 3:14 a.m.
Hi Narasimha,
According to there is no official (tested) integration between RTC and WMB.

Anyway I am not completely sure if your issue is caused by incompatibility between RTC and WMB. Can you please describe your issue (steps you have performed) and provide error message?

Narasimha Devarapalli commented Aug 14 '14, 3:41 a.m.

 Thank you....

Here are the steps I m performing to generate a BAR file,

1. Created a project in RTC and imported all source files.
2. Shared RTC project into jazz repository
3. Created build engine and build definition
4. I m using ant script to generate BAR.
5. I have given workspace as build engine fetched directory
6. In this scenario...BAR file is not generated
7. If I give workspace as a path for actual source is generating BAR file.

I don't see any error message during build BAR file. Please suggest me solution to achieve this

Thanks & Regards,
Narasimha Rao D. 

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Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103) | answered Aug 14 '14, 5:35 a.m.
Hi Narasimha,
I don't think that this is the issue with compatibility between these two tools. What jbe is doing is just fetching source code and executes ant build file. There might be issue with paths in your build definition settings or in your ant file. Review your generated logs file from ant and compare with the one running correctly.

Narasimha Devarapalli commented Aug 14 '14, 5:43 a.m.

I've my actual source files in C:\narasimha\mb_workspace, and fetched files from jazz will be in C:\narasimha\jazzbuild. when I m giving workspace name for mb_workspace, bar is generating but it is behaving differently when I give workspace as jazzbuild. 

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