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RTC 4.0.1 integration with subversion 1.7.8

yair shaked (13297) | asked Dec 25 '12, 4:50 a.m.
i have RTC 4.0.1  on linux redhat 5.5 with WAS and DB2 9.7
i install subversion server 1.7.8  tomcat on that server as well ,
 i using eclipse 3.7.2 SDK 32 bit and i have install both RTC P2 extension for eclipse and subversion connector from juno , when i go to properties from Java perspective (when right click sub version project) and click jazz work items  i get the following error and i do not understand the source of it  (i try it with both java versions 6,7 and i try to use also eclipse from windows in order to set up the integration but i get the same error message )
"Problems occurred when invoking code from plug-in: "org.eclipse.jface"."
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/team/svn/core/connector/SVNRevision

please advice

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Tim Mok (6.6k38) | answered Jan 02 '13, 2:56 p.m.
Can you uninstall the subversion connector and see if you still get the same error when switching to the Work Items perspective? Try to see if RTC was installed correctly before installing the connector. Then you can figure out if the connector was installed correctly.

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