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How to link multiple work items automatically in RTC - Parent/Child Relationship

R Z (1273453) | asked Aug 12 '14, 2:42 a.m.
edited Aug 20 '14, 12:08 p.m. by Stephanie Taylor (24115)


I have multiple workitems to upload and most of the work items are child work items, I need to know if there is any way to automatically link these while uploading to new project area.

Thanks in advance

Accepted answer

permanent link
Erwin Kunz (94687086) | answered Aug 12 '14, 4:03 a.m.
If you are talking about import, then yes it is possible

You need to have a column with the link name e.g. Parent and have the id of the parent as value.
If you are importing parent and child in the same csv, you need to have a column ID and in the link column #id

The # indicates that he should look at the ID column to find the corresponding object.
The ID has just to be an integer, it don't need to be adapted to the ID already used in RTC

hope this helps
R Z selected this answer as the correct answer

R Z commented Aug 13 '14, 5:46 a.m.

Hello Ervin,

No, I have tried every possible combination, But i am unable to link any.

Is there any official documentation? Please share.

I now have parent and child work items created, I just need to link them automatically.

Here is the format i am using, Please correct me if i am wrong.

Type Id Status Priority Severity Summary Owned By Created By Parent Child

Type Id Status Priority Severity Summary Owned By Created By Parent Id Child Id

Thank You

Ralph Schoon commented Aug 13 '14, 7:23 a.m. | edited Aug 13 '14, 7:23 a.m.

As Erwin mentions, you have to put a hash # in front of the ID in the parent/child column of the work item that you want to make a parent/child of the one you are import.

A good idea to understand the import format is to create an export. That gives you the required headers. there are also many other questions around this topic you might want to explore.

The ones to link might have to exist, not sure. So you might have to run the import for all items first and then create the links afterwards. This is the current documentation:

R Z commented Aug 14 '14, 6:33 a.m.

Thank You, Erwin and Ralph.

It worked.

Tojan John commented Nov 11 '14, 4:02 a.m.

@rschoon ,

I am using RTC 4.0.2. What is the format that I should use to link multiple work items to  one work item? Say, I wanted to link three Task to one parent Story work item. In my CSV, I have Story(Parent) as Id and Tasks (Children) with "#'. Issue is only last item in the csv is getting linked.

Sample format:-

Id ..... Children
123..... #456
123..... #567
123..... #678 --> After importing Story 123 is linked to 678. Other items are not linked. Where am I making the mistake?

Ralph Schoon commented Nov 11 '14, 4:28 a.m.

I would suggest to use the parent column with a # and import the children. Then you have no line break issue.

If you export a child link column, you get line breaks behind each links - which I would consider as defect. If you remove the line breaks and have the item ID's in one line, it works as described.

After I fixed this, I could add a child and the linkage worked for me.

"Story";"86";"New";"High";"8 pts";"Allocate Dividends to Nearby Charities";"Marco";"Bob";"#87 #88 #1"

Ralph Schoon commented Nov 11 '14, 4:29 a.m.

Note, I used RTC 5.0.1

Tojan John commented Nov 11 '14, 6:50 a.m.

Hi Ralph,

Now I am facing different issue. It showed importing work items and finally got hung with status "Resolving unresolved links: Importing from CSV(Line x) 

Ralph Schoon commented Nov 11 '14, 6:57 a.m.

I would suggest to create a new question on the forum, as this is already answered.

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