how to update OS version in the enum list without changing the MPT
Hi All,
We have OS(Operating system) drop down (which is enum) when the user selects the OS there will be another drop down Os version where the version related to that particular OS will be populated.
But when there is a new version of the OS, we are forced to add a new literal (for the OS version) for which we need to change Master Process Template.
Is there any way that the version can get updated dynamically without the changes to MPT.
One answer
I suppose you are using "dependent enumerations value sets", if this is the case, you can actually customize
"Enumrations" in your sub project to make it only impact current project area.
"Enumrations" in your sub project to make it only impact current project area.
Once you customized "Enumrations", please make sure all the enumerations in master project are re-created in this particular sub project. in RTC, the inheritage is on section level, once customized project configuration > configuration data > work items > Enumerations, you need to have all the required enumerations in there.
After this change, it will not pickup any further change from master project.
sam detweiler
Aug 11 '14, 12:51 p.m.Only if you use the database stored enums.. BUT.. database stored enums are not shared master/child if you share the MPT.