RTC 4.0.6 - BuildForge - maven release prepare scm deliver timeout
I have a Build Forge project that executes a maven release prepare interfacing to RTC 4.0.6. In the prepare step about 25 pom files are updated and then checked in to the build repository workspace and then an "scm deliver" is executed and it keeps timing out. When I look at the build repository workspace the pom files have been updated but the changesets never get deliver to the stream. We have 4 other similar jobs that run agains the same stream but with many fewer poms that get updated.
Any suggestions?
One answer
It doesn't sound like your files are that large so it shouldn't timeout. You could try increasing the timeout limit with 'scm set preference repository.timeout <new_timeout_value>'.
I have increased it several times from 5 minutes up to 30 minutes and same resultĀ
I think at this point you should contact IBM Support so they can gather more information. If you still want to troubleshoot it yourself, the best I can think of is getting some network tools (ie. Wireshark) to see if anything is actually being sent to the server.