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How can we identify the unused RRC project areas in a server?

Girish Patil (1111) | asked Aug 04 '14, 2:58 a.m.
We are supporting more than 100 RRC projects, but now we need to find out RRC projects which are not being used from last 6 months i.e. basically need db2 query which fetches all the RRC project areas names which are not being used.
Else please provide the ER diagram of RRC Data base so that i can find out the Latest modified date of RRC artifacts.

I would be very grateful for any assistance, even to tell me where to start looking.

Takehiko Amano commented Aug 04 '14, 3:30 a.m. | edited Aug 04 '14, 3:31 a.m.

I have not tried by myself, I don't have a definitive answer for your question. But I have some idea. How about using reporting API ?

For example, create a report to filter artifacts via  modifiedSince parameter. If it returns zero, the project is not modified since then. This reports repeats for all project area managed by RRC.

Girish Patil commented Aug 04 '14, 3:44 a.m.

We are using RRC 4.0.5 version.

Stef van Dijk commented Aug 05 '14, 9:46 a.m.

Because of the why RRC stores data, I don't think a db2 query would be very realistic. Either way, I certainly would not know where to begin to write such a query.
In addition, the question of what is considered "unused" is not clear. Someone may not have edited any artifacts, but what if reports were still being generated? How would that manifest in a query?
The ETLs might be able to provide some information through the delta loads, but this really isn't my area of expertise, so not sure if it would work. You could try creating a SPARQL query, run from the rm/rmadmin web page, for artifacts in a project sorted by Last Modified.

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