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Add Customize Warning Message in RTC Through Plugin

Paulino Alonso (381215) | asked Jul 25 '14, 6:51 a.m.
Hi all,

I need throw warning style like photo attached or like yellow refresh messages... Someone could tell me where I can find the code that does it?

thank you very much

Paulino Alonso commented Jul 25 '14, 8:54 a.m.
Sam thanks for your quick response. In the case of the call refresh message is a service of the IWorkitemRestService class but is an internal method and I can not see the code. I will keep investigating.


sam detweiler commented Jul 25 '14, 9:08 a.m.

I think everything is a call thru IWorkitemRestService, it is the router.. 
the data parms should tell you.

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sam detweiler (12.5k6195201) | answered Jul 25 '14, 8:39 a.m.
I don't know exactly, but this is really a two part design..

the UI has a reserved area for the banner message to be displayed,

the UI code continually looks in an architected buffer area for the message objects to process.

the code wanting to have a message displayed (advisor, ...) creates one of these message buffer objects in the right place.. then the clients (native, Eclipse and Web) all process from the list..

the client code is quite complex..
but can be found in the sdk (web) (java)

I looked thru both, but didn't see anything obvious.. both are completely object oriented.
I do not think the message object architecture supports customer extendability

On the web side, you might be able to get a handle on the object class by using a javascript debugger in firefox or chrome to see the class invocation when a message is displayed.

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