Can Rational Insight Report on RTC items with different repositories?
2 RTC instances (RTC ProjA, RTC ProjB)
1 RQM instance
1 Rational Insight instance
The instances of RTC/RQM are on 3 different repositories. RQM is linked to both RTC instances for work items linkage/etc. Insight is linked/integrated to RTC ProjA and the RQM project. RTC ProjB repository isn't connected to the Rational Insight instance and uses CCM data collector jobs. There are cases in which a RQM item may be linked to work items in both RTC projects. Was using Query Studio to report on Test Case Execution Records and its linked RTC work items. Noticing the items from RTC ProjA are pulled into the report. However RTC ProjB work items are missing. Would the RTC ProjB repository have to be linked to Rational Insight, or is there any way for Insight to pull in these RTB ProjB items? I was using Operational Data Store > Execution Work Item Area > Execution Work Item Related Requests. Hope this is not too confusing.
Accepted answer
Insight handles the situation of workitems with the same ID from different RTC repositories in the following way:
- Request ID is the identifier of the request and it's unique in the data warehouse. If you see, this usually has a different value from the Work Item ID that you see in RTC
- Reference ID and External Key1 are the Work Item ID, as seen in the RTC Web UI.
e.g. If you have 2 RTC repositories, and you pick the work item with ID 1 from both, they will have the same Reference ID = 1 but a different Request ID, making them 2 separate entries in the Request table.
Best Regards,
Francesco Chiossi
One other answer
there are 2 points to take into accounts:
- Are the two RTC instances registered under the same JTS? If so the insight setup should be able to fetch the connection details for both.
- If one RTC instance is using the Insight data manager ETL and the other the CLM data collection jobs I assume they are using 2 different data warehouse databases, correct? If that is the case Insight can only report on one single database instance.
You would probably need to configure Insight to run the data manager ETL against both RTC instances, so that you have the data from both instances on the same data warehouse.
Best Regards,
Francesco Chiossi
Thanks Francesco. Will look into that configuring the data manager ETL against both RTC instances approach.
1 vote
Another question I had Francesco. I was concerned with work items in different repository/JTS having the same work item ID. Could Insight handle having work items with the same ID value from 2 different JTS instances being inserted into the same Data Warehouse, i.e. having to be unique? The columns that I were thinking of were from table RIODS.REQUESTS (Request ID, External Key 1, External ID).