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jazzignore tuning

We have a team with a _really_ large Visual Studio codebase.
There are several large solutions with many projects within them.
The problem is that they do local builds on their machines from time to time.
They have built pretty extensive rulesets using jazzignore to avoid picking up the intermediate files from the compile runs.
They are struggling with long synchronization times on the workspaces - you can watch Visual Studio (RTC plugin) ticking through the files and directories and SCM.exe is quite active.
It does finish out and work, but the elapsed time can be nearly an hour.
The tools are RTC 4.0.6 plugin in Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 7.
So, the question is what is the best way to set up the jazzignore(s) for maximum performance? Break it up so that their span is granular? A handful, or even one, at the very top with large recursion rules?
We figure we will have to tune, but a starting point / best practices would be appreciated. There is precious little documentation about it.