Define a field to contain unique value in RTC
Can I define a field in RTC which contains a unique value?
i have a WI where i am capturing an employee ID 101 and want to make it unique. next time if someone else is trying to create a new WI and trying to put employee ID as 101,
- the person either should not be able to save the record, or
- Should have an "i" kind of a thing that says 101 already exists.
Can we do this?
One answer
a solution would have to consist of the following three parts:
1. Check attribute for validity
This can be done programmatically by scripting a Validator as per the wiki example on
Your script would have to e.g. query a web service with Boolean return value for "ID exists / does not exist"
2. A work item save participant --> cp. RTC Extension Workshop
Upon work item save, the new attribute ID would have to be persisted somewhere (i.e. via a web service in a database) in a list of already used IDs.
3. The web service(s)
for reading / writing th list of already used IDs.
To answer your actual question: you can do this in principal, but it might be a bit of work.
Please comment / accept answer if this is helpful for you.
a solution would have to consist of the following three parts:
1. Check attribute for validity
This can be done programmatically by scripting a Validator as per the wiki example on
Your script would have to e.g. query a web service with Boolean return value for "ID exists / does not exist"
2. A work item save participant --> cp. RTC Extension Workshop
Upon work item save, the new attribute ID would have to be persisted somewhere (i.e. via a web service in a database) in a list of already used IDs.
3. The web service(s)
for reading / writing th list of already used IDs.
To answer your actual question: you can do this in principal, but it might be a bit of work.
Please comment / accept answer if this is helpful for you.