CC Import to Derby fails with "A lock could not be obtained within the time requested"

CLM 4.0.6
I'm running some ClearCase imports in a "sandbox" RTC server (Tomcat / Derby) before doing the real thing. I've been getting this, a lot:
D:\sandbox\IBM\ClearCaseSynchronizer\ccctools\eclipse>ccc import ccase -d D:\migr\data -r https://sandbox:10443/ccm -u jadmin -P secret -s Int_Stream -c SCMWeb -N proto_integration
2014-06-16 08:42:38,489 INFO Starting to import data to Rational Team Concert.
The details are logged in "D:\migr\data\logs\importCCase.2014-06-16T08.42.37.log".
2014-06-16 08:43:14,993 INFO Imported 100 directories.
2014-06-16 08:44:45,972 INFO Starting to import versions.
2014-06-16 08:45:53,722 INFO Imported 1000 versions.
2014-06-16 12:45:31,462 INFO Imported 12000 versions.
2014-06-16 12:57:24,858 INFO Creating configuration for baseline: proto_integration.
Problem running 'import ccase':
Could not import data to Jazz SCM because of the following error:
CRJAZ0099E An HTTP error occurred when this URL was being accessed: https://sandbox:10443/ccm/service/ Error details:
The log file says:
SQL Exception #1
SQL Message: A lock could not be obtained within the time requested
SQL State: 40XL1
Error Code: 30000
Is this because I'm using Derby, or will this also happen on the "real" import (SQL Server)?
Is there some Advanced Setting in the CCM server that would help prevent this?
Am I doomed to have to carve the export and import down to folders?
I'm running some ClearCase imports in a "sandbox" RTC server (Tomcat / Derby) before doing the real thing. I've been getting this, a lot:
D:\sandbox\IBM\ClearCaseSynchronizer\ccctools\eclipse>ccc import ccase -d D:\migr\data -r https://sandbox:10443/ccm -u jadmin -P secret -s Int_Stream -c SCMWeb -N proto_integration
2014-06-16 08:42:38,489 INFO Starting to import data to Rational Team Concert.
The details are logged in "D:\migr\data\logs\importCCase.2014-06-16T08.42.37.log".
2014-06-16 08:43:14,993 INFO Imported 100 directories.
2014-06-16 08:44:45,972 INFO Starting to import versions.
2014-06-16 08:45:53,722 INFO Imported 1000 versions.
2014-06-16 12:45:31,462 INFO Imported 12000 versions.
2014-06-16 12:57:24,858 INFO Creating configuration for baseline: proto_integration.
Problem running 'import ccase':
Could not import data to Jazz SCM because of the following error:
CRJAZ0099E An HTTP error occurred when this URL was being accessed: https://sandbox:10443/ccm/service/ Error details:
The log file says:
SQL Exception #1
SQL Message: A lock could not be obtained within the time requested
SQL State: 40XL1
Error Code: 30000
Is this because I'm using Derby, or will this also happen on the "real" import (SQL Server)?
Is there some Advanced Setting in the CCM server that would help prevent this?
Am I doomed to have to carve the export and import down to folders?
Accepted answer

I would recommend to use a database other than derby even on a sandbox. The derby database does not scale to the amount of the SCM changes committed by the ClearCase Version Importer. I've seen similar errors and performance troubles with derby in dev. team's in-house testing, and they are resolved by switching it to DB2.