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Extending doors next generation beyond OSLC

David Maroshi (133) | asked Jun 16 '14, 7:49 a.m.

We want to write an application that will automate from CLI (no GUI):
1. Links import, validation and management (custom link types).
2. Reposition/restructure artifacts in a module.

We explored the capabilities of the OSLC API and we cannot achieve this with OSLC RM.
We did not find online the Doors Next Generation SDK (as there is for RTC).
Please advice about our options.

Joy and happiness

2 answers

permanent link
Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Jun 16 '14, 9:58 p.m.
Not exactly sure about item 1, but in previous versions of RRC/DNG, manipulating links is possible via OSLC.
With DNG 5.0, manipulating artifacts within a module also becomes possible.

David Maroshi commented Jun 17 '14, 1:27 a.m. | edited Jun 17 '14, 1:27 a.m.

Thanks you Donald for your answer.

I was researching OSLC this article
I also tested OSLC clients to custom DNG link types. Link types like "Link" or "Term" which are not standard OSLC link types.
With Lyo SDK we failed to manage links that are not standard OSLC link types.
The Lyo SDK provide good solution to manage standard OSLC link types.

As for the new DNG 5.0 client extensions.
1. Requires extending the Jazz server, for each Jazz server (good luck managing your testing lab).
2. Requires interactive manipulation with GUI.

Our top priority request is for: a periodically run batch program that will update/import links from input file.

permanent link
Chandan M B (1134082) | answered May 27 '15, 7:14 a.m.

Please explain me small example how to fetch artifact details using OSLC 2.0 in Rest  Client / java program


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