WSDL format
Accepted answer
No. you will have to make a custom web service hosted on some server (even same web server as RTC), and use the Item Connector interface
Actually, nowadays I would use the SFDC streaming client interface, as it solves a lot of config issues..
1. pull events from SFDC, so the customer doesn't have to open a firewall port
2. minimizes message queueing demands
3. eliminates the web server requirements
4. removes the wsdl content marshalling
5. SFDC web service invocations on https: servers will ONLY talk to servers with non-self signed certs.
I could only test using http: protocol.
I built my SFDC/RTC synchronizer a few years ago as my first intro to RTC API.
I tried the SFDC Outbound Message interface, queuing, retry, but I needed data from more than one record type (and use the SFDC generated WSDL comm to my server)
then I wrote a custom SFDC trigger to combine the data from multiple types ( and use a custom WSDL comm to my server )
then switched to SFDC streaming
I would talk to Kovair, about their Omnibus product, as it has builtin support for synch between RTC and SFDC (and lots of other products)
here are two drawings of the architecture 1 = updates into RTC (using the RTC Client & Item connector API), 2 = updates into SFDC (using the SFDC Partner API)
service = a custom RTC service to provide config data to both service apps, using the RTC Advanced admin UI (so I didn't have to write an admin UI too)
custom WSDL design
SFDC streaming client
Actually, nowadays I would use the SFDC streaming client interface, as it solves a lot of config issues..
1. pull events from SFDC, so the customer doesn't have to open a firewall port
2. minimizes message queueing demands
3. eliminates the web server requirements
4. removes the wsdl content marshalling
5. SFDC web service invocations on https: servers will ONLY talk to servers with non-self signed certs.
I could only test using http: protocol.
I built my SFDC/RTC synchronizer a few years ago as my first intro to RTC API.
I tried the SFDC Outbound Message interface, queuing, retry, but I needed data from more than one record type (and use the SFDC generated WSDL comm to my server)
then I wrote a custom SFDC trigger to combine the data from multiple types ( and use a custom WSDL comm to my server )
then switched to SFDC streaming
I would talk to Kovair, about their Omnibus product, as it has builtin support for synch between RTC and SFDC (and lots of other products)
here are two drawings of the architecture 1 = updates into RTC (using the RTC Client & Item connector API), 2 = updates into SFDC (using the SFDC Partner API)
service = a custom RTC service to provide config data to both service apps, using the RTC Advanced admin UI (so I didn't have to write an admin UI too)
custom WSDL design
SFDC streaming client