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Server-side: How can i get from IBuildResult the workitem linked to changeset

I need to know if is possible from a IBuildResult get the workitem linked to changeset deployed.
My problem is that I need it in server-side.
On client-side can be achieved easily using the WorkItemHelper or ILinkManager class.
I understand that if client-side i can, in server-side too.
Has anyone done something similar?
Thank you very much and I hope your answers.
I need to know if is possible from a IBuildResult get the workitem linked to changeset deployed.
My problem is that I need it in server-side.
On client-side can be achieved easily using the WorkItemHelper or ILinkManager class.
I understand that if client-side i can, in server-side too.
Has anyone done something similar?
Thank you very much and I hope your answers.