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Instantiating a Jazz user

One answer

If you are trying to get the IContributorHandle from client side code,
you can use IContributorManager.fetchContributorByUserId
If you are trying to get the IContributorHandle from server side code,
you can use IContributorService.fetchContributorByUserId
Matt Lavin
Jazz Server Team
On Mon, 2008-12-08 at 20:07 +0000, lquintela wrote:
you can use IContributorManager.fetchContributorByUserId
If you are trying to get the IContributorHandle from server side code,
you can use IContributorService.fetchContributorByUserId
Matt Lavin
Jazz Server Team
On Mon, 2008-12-08 at 20:07 +0000, lquintela wrote:
Hi, I'd like to programatically set the owner for a work item using
the setOwner method in the IWorkItem interface.
This method takes an IContributorHandle as the input parameter.
How can I get the handle for the user given its name or id?