How to get CustomAttribute from Work Item?

I want to print out all of the Custom Attribute fields from a Work Item. Right now' I'm trying to do something like this:
How can I get the Attribute? Right now I'm getting an Item.
Also, I'm new at the API, so it would be nice if the explanation was "dummbed down" for me :)
On the same token, it would also help if someone has knowledge of more explanatory documentation from the javadoc.
List<IAttributeHandle> customAttributes = currentWI.getCustomAttributes();customAttributes = currentWI.getCustomAttributes();
for(int i = 0; i < customAttributes.size(); i++ ){}
IAttribute item = (IAttribute) this.repository.itemManager().fetchCompleteItem(
customAttributes.get(i), IWorkItem.PRIORITY_PROPERTY, null);System.out.println( item.getDisplayName() );
How can I get the Attribute? Right now I'm getting an Item.
Also, I'm new at the API, so it would be nice if the explanation was "dummbed down" for me :)
On the same token, it would also help if someone has knowledge of more explanatory documentation from the javadoc.
One answer

please start here: and here
Your question should be answered in the second link above and in as well as in other posts.
You have to cast attribute values to the types expected. e.g. string, int, contributor etc. I think there are numerous examples on my blog.
please start here: and here
Your question should be answered in the second link above and in as well as in other posts.
You have to cast attribute values to the types expected. e.g. string, int, contributor etc. I think there are numerous examples on my blog.