RTC scm - howto handle the copyright character '©'
Can RTC also handle files that contain this sign using 8859-1 or windows-125x character encoding - '0xA9' or does it only allow to use the copyright sign using UTF-8 encoding - '0xC2A9' ?
One answer
When I tried to add a file with the copyright character encoded as '0xA9' using the lscm command line interface, the property 'Character Encoding' was set to 'UTF-8' and the property 'Line Delimiter' was set to 'None' automatically which were not the properties I wanted to be set.
When I try to change the property 'Line Delimiter' to e.g. 'Platform' now, I always get the error message:
Could not set file properties
File /PATH/FILENAME has contents that do not match its encoding.
Change the encoding of the file.
Input length = 1
But there is no option - at least not in the eclipse RTC client - to change the character encoding property of a file.
'0xC2A9' is the character code for the copyright character in UTF-8. When using '0xA9', it is correct for Windows-125x but not UTF-8. You'll have to change the character to use the correct character code to match your file encoding.