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What is the best way to import work items to RTC

Karthik Krishnan (8845119163) | asked May 27 '14, 10:26 a.m.
We want to migrate items from ClearQuest to RTC. Unfortunately it's not simple mapping. In some cases for one record in CQ, we will have 3 records in RTC which are linked. 

Ex: Defect in CQ will be mapped to "Issue, Defect, Task" which are linked by "Resolves/Resolved by" 

I am wondering what would be the best way create/import these records in RTC?

I can think of the following:
-> Perl script which can talk to CQ as well create WI in RTC via OSLC
-> Perl script which can export file a format and use Java with RTC Plain Java API to create WI in RTC
-> Use Eclipse to export CQ records in XML format and use Perl / Java to create WI 
-> Use Eclipse to export CQ records in XML format and use Eclipse to create Items in RTC, but I don't know if thi can create the way i need, for 1 CQ record create 3 WI and link them 

I am looking for most effective solution as well as less effort

sam detweiler commented May 27 '14, 11:10 a.m.

if you look at the bugzilla importer, it takes xml input. you will probably have to convert a little.

Accepted answer

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Eric Jodet (6.3k5111120) | answered May 27 '14, 12:06 p.m.
 Hello Karthik,

please review

You may want to use the CQ Importer and a customized mapping file.

Karthik Krishnan selected this answer as the correct answer

Karthik Krishnan commented Jun 02 '14, 12:00 p.m.

Thanks. One of my main requirement is to while importing a Workitem, created a "Related" work item and link with this. How can this be done? any pointers?

sam detweiler commented Jun 02 '14, 2:51 p.m.

The excel importer can do some of the link types. Don't know about the CQ importer. 

Eric Jodet commented Jun 03 '14, 2:00 a.m.


Based on
CQ Importer can handle the following links:


Karthik Krishnan commented Jun 04 '14, 3:49 a.m.

Thank you both. After reading  the wiki articles & Forum posts I found out that It doesn't suit our needs since we have to add "approvals" in work items (based on status of CQ records)

I guess I have to resort to programming the importer using Java / Perl as I read even with OSLC we cannot set the Approvals

Many thanks for your suggestions

Karthik Krishnan commented Jun 04 '14, 3:50 a.m.

Accepting this answer as this is the more generic solution just that I cannot use it my case. 

Eric Jodet commented Jun 04 '14, 4:33 a.m.

 Or you may want to try the CQ Gateway (as the effort / workload to import CQ records might be identical to developing an in-house Java / Perl based solution)

The idea I have in mind is:
- setup incoming (CQ to RTC) synchronization
- implement mapping rules (so as to have approvals synchronized)
- let the gateway import CQ records
- once all records imported, shutdown the gateway, stop synchronization for resulting RTC work items

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