How to get the list of active users in RELM?
Does anyone know how to obtain the following information in RELM?
1. The list of active users currently using RELM.
2. The list of users who logged in/out RELM.
After reading similar questions on other Jazz apps, I come to think that this sort of information has to be managed and exposed by underlying JTS, rather than to be provided by individual tools. Am I correct? The only source I know where such information can be obtained is log file, but any other sources or (hidden) REST API to make it possible? As to #2, RLKS reporting tool can be used to trace license usage. Any update is highly welcome.
Thank you in advance.
Accepted answer
Hi John,
Thank you very much for the update! Yes, your suggestion will solve #1; sorry... I should have checked that before posting. As to #2, RLKS Reporting tool (as of doesn't provide license usage for RELM yet, however floatingLicenseLogFile.csv seems containing some useful information, I will take a deep dive into it. To enable floatingLicenseLogFile.csv, one might refer to RCL IC (below):
Best Regards,